Monday, June 24, 2013

heels are the devil's weapon

last wednesday was really fun/ a good last night out
pre's at snehal's with a lovely multitude of drinking games and drunk people
we started with the margarita mix waaay too early
and ended up taking involuntary cat naps on the floor/couch/table
got stamped at Avalon, and then those with IDs went over to Pangaea
personally I thought Avalon was better that night
(ok there may have been a certain guy there huehuehue)
ended the night taking care of a couple people throwing up
and then a sleepover at anika's with the casa crew :3
talked about our night's hookups/freakouts and went to sleep with our feet numb from pain

"Heels suck, but if I wear flats, i'm at boob-height with every girl on the dance floor and I really don't need to see that man, i've got my own."

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