Friday, April 5, 2013

done and dusted

[UPDATE.1220] guys, please don't read this okay? I wrote this when I was really angry and I just needed to rant and I don't want to be seen as a hateful person, because I swear i'm not (unless you decide to bitch about me and my friends to anybody with who will listen- in which case I WILL cut a bitch)

okay, so, purely rhetorical question here; when 5 girls who are best friends in secondary school and have this awesome clique that seems relatively untouchable have a falling out, leaving the group separated 4 to 1, who is in the wrong here?
yeah, that's what I thought.


WHY you are hell bent on destroying my life WHY?! I can only assume it's because you’re jealous that I actually have friends who genuinely like me for me and not for what I pretend I am [not to mention they are real breathing and living human beings]. BUT I JUST HEARD THAT YOU THINK YOU CAN EXTEND YOUR HOSTILITY TO MY FRIENDS?! Bitch. I will say this once. You've been messing with me for more than a year and I have done except [continuously] apologize for something you THINK I did. BUT if you mess with my friends I WILL make your life a living HELL. I have known you for a far longer time than most and as a result I also have so much disgusting shit on you so just trust me on this, DO NOT OPEN THIS CAN OF WORMS. I have texts/emails/screenshots of plenty instances that would just destroy your life- yes, this includes a text exchange between us that CLEARLY states who cancelled on sentosa last minute and who pushed her flight back so that she could meet her best friends. You've had the balls to tell oh so many people about “damini the bitch who victimizes the innocent and blameless” so maybe i should grow some balls and tell them what really happened, no? And to think I made sure to never contradict your lies because I didn't want people to think less of you in this new school, I mean, even if we were no longer friends it doesn't mean that I should interfere with your life right? Hah.

and also, most of those people who you turned against me are now talking to ME about YOU and whether or not you’re a pathological liar (yes, by the way, it was a rather unanimous decision)

you know who you are

P.S. To those thinking i'm lying right now, tell me honestly, have you really never been suspicious? A certain slip- up in a certain lie perhaps? Stories not matching? Friends seemingly non- existent? Come talk to me, I will gladly explain my side + more, all you have to do is ask, trust me, i've done it many many times before :)

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