Sunday, April 28, 2013


Emergency Protocol: When in desperate need of cheering up

squishy baby faces are the best

future husband, i'm looking at you :3

don't you ever have days when you're just like
"look Charles the human is waving!wave back charles, wave back!"

Saturday, April 27, 2013

misanthropic at best

do you ever wish you could change someone?
because you know, with every fibre of your being, that it's for their own good
but you don't know why you even bother 
because they won't change
not for the better at least

Friday, April 26, 2013

things i know for certain (god forbid)

i'm going to fail my mid years with flying colours
i'm going to get a mediocre score for the SATs
i'm going to screw up my prelims because
i'm going to have to take the october SATs
i'm going to get shitty predictive grades
i'm not going to get into any of my dream universities
i'm so done with this shitfest of a life

i'm not going to school tomorrow

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

face demons

so today
out of bloody nowhere
my teacher decides to ask me if i'm stressed because "all (my) pimples are coming out"
now, I know she didn't mean it in a mean way but i mean
come on
do you have any idea how extremely self conscious I am about that?
I know i've got terrible skin
and trust me, i've tried everything
somedays i still feel so disgusting and gross
that I don't even have it in me to go down to the canteen for breaks
(I wouldn't want anyone to see my face if they don't absolutely have to)

i've got more than enough things to feel shitty so thanks for that.

Monday, April 22, 2013

blanket apology

to anybody who has to put up with me this week

i'm sorry for being depressing
i'm sorry for being annoying
i'm sorry for being a jerk
i'm sorry for being irritable
i'm sorry for being moody
i'm sorry for being emotional
i'm sorry for being fat
i'm sorry for being disgusting
i'm sorry for being quiet
i'm sorry for being boring
i'm sorry for being useless
i'm sorry for being me


A bit late on my sunday post (there didn't seem to be much to talk about)

I don't know why
but i've been having the worst nightmares recently.
On saturday I had the most vivid dream that I was a character in Once Upon A Time
(of course I don't remember any of it now) 
I do remember waking up mid-nap wondering why the hell I was dreaming about OUAT
(I think Captain Hook & I were battling a giant toad?) 

--but then again, i'd just had the brilliant revelation that mixing coffee powder and milo powder might mask the coffee taste and keep me relatively conscious while going through the boundless SAT vocab words, so maybe it was just the sugar high vs the coffee fix--

i've equally graphic dreams every day since

what a problem to have though
"my subconscious hates me"

do you think dreamcatchers work?

Saturday, April 13, 2013

survived another SATurday

but after the mammoth 10 hour session last week,
4 hours is vanilla sponge cake walk

in not-so-depressing news, I totally miscalculated my marks and actually got 2100! 
only 200 away from my ultimate goal now :3

in oh-so-depressing news, my SAT is exactly 10 days before my mid years, and I will definitely be focusing more on that, so i'm already bracing myself for absolutely shitty MYE grades :/

pollen and the not bummer dinner

(titled as such because i'm currently watching Judy Moody)

On wednesday my dad and I dropped my brother  off at the airport for his backpacking (butnotreally because he brought two suitcases) trip to the UK. And since mum's in India as well, Dad took me to one of his fancyshmancy bank dinners at this place inside the flower dome at Gardens By the Bay.
needless to say this place was so goddamn pretty

taken from the buggy that takes you to the restaurant from the entrance of Gardens

original menu in which I can eat exactly 2 things 
(thankfully they changed it around for me)
white asparagus and goat cheese sorbet
I will dream about this dish for a long time to come

At first I felt so lost, in the middle of all these 40-50somethings talking about the Asian Economic Crisis, but then, after my Dad introduced me to all of them, they were all so friendly I could barely believe it. They all knew I was in JC but they talked to me like I was an actual adult Ö (this includes nudging my to refill the three different wine glasses when my Dad wasn't looking)
I bonded with the ladies over cooking, baking and a shared love for Nigella :)
Overall, a pretty darn amazing night :3