idk how i've survived without her for so long
it is no joke having your best friend go from 3 floors down to 839324 miles away
it's the worst kind of cold turkey there is
it's the mouldy, green-spotted, forgotten turkey at the bottom of the freezer after thanksgiving.
anyway, this means I might get a slight inkling of a life back
it pains me to think that at 16 I was going to zirca/ava/attica regularly but this year i've been only properly out 4/5 times ?!? Mostly it's because of my fake id disaster and my laziness to get a new one though. I'm still so made at myself for leaving the card in my beer-soaked bag after avicii last year :(( but then again I was barely able to stand straight much less think straight and didn't expect the bloody thing to become soggy and have the words to spread out :/
But I need a new one (goddamn november baby) so I went over to that shady ass place I went to three years ago and got another. (I got so lost in the process it's not funny- plus it's a reeeeally shady area and primarily chinese dominated area so not only did I have no idea where I was going, all these people were looking at me like //why is this brown person here she must be really lost let's just stare at her//.
Found the place though! I was so relieved it was still there because the police are always getting shutting these places down and my second option was the whole euro online thing which would've taken ages so yay for consistent shady business.
the new id is x145 better
so much more legit looking
(european citizen lol)
it looks shiny as bc i refuse to take it out of the plastic
also did my nails aw yeah