Friday, July 4, 2014

S'mores & More (booze)

so, I own this tent. It's massive and magnificent and was the result of a bake sale my best friends and I organised 5/6 years ago. Until 3 months ago i'd forgotten that the tent had been left with me because aforementioned friends had all migrated from singapore :(

this is where baes come in: Padma, Belle & Nat

 its enormity really doesn't translate in pictures but just look at Belle/ Nat compared to the entire thing and you should get a rough idea of how HUGE it really is.
also, wtf Nat.

actual hipster tent

East Coast Park shoreline; those lights are ships in the sea

 our entertainment for the night
(we got well and truly smashed)
(we also finished two huge jars of salsa???)

it actually doesn't look like much because, like the shady's creepers that we are, the vodka was in a plastic coke bottle- a situation that resulted in the world's best incident)

 morning after 
true or false: there are 3 people in this picture but not a single set of eyes

worlds lamest campfire//
it was really really windy outside ok

 can we just..... i mean.....seriously.... just....fuuuuuuck

it was AMAZING. 
10/10 recommend to anybody too cheap to book a hotel/chalet (more money to spend on shenanigans)

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