Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I took my broke a$$ home

Went shopping with Anika on saturday and jeeez I swear we're the only two people with that much shopping stamina. We hit Ion + 313 (double forever 21s aw yeeah) from about 12- 6, and we probably would've kept going if I wasn't going out for dinner with mia familia.

Anyway, these are a few of my loots, the rest are in the wash because i've already worn them :P

apparently the year is almost over? well, fuck.

+I have an entirely unhealthy obsession with diaries/journals/stationary

gorg necklace from F21 that I bought simply because I thought it looked cute with the jumper below

This jumper is just the softest most snuggly thing ever :3

some basics; dog chain from F21 which i plan to wear once I find an army jacket

top/stradivarius, shorts/new look 

clearly I haven't gotten over with my stud obsession
but they're so cute waah

I'm so broke now :'(
PLUS the new id is costing me 55 bucks
(+10 for the photo)

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