Saturday, July 19, 2014

why so many photo posts??

because i'm a lazy piece of shit writer
and even my blurry ass pictures have got to be worth at least a couple hundred words

it 2:32 am and my hair looks like this. y must life be so cruel


I couldn't go out on wednesday because my american embassy visa appointment was at 8 15 the next morning 

so i delayed everybody at pre's for as long as I could :D

there are 62 versions of this one photo on my phone????? i was in the bathroom for 4 minutes

look at us with our amazing sober faces though


/// extremely belated post

Pre- Brazil/Germany Match 

vodka + water + ribena concentrate = BLISS

Pre- Argentina/Germany Match 

i wonder which team we're supporting 

baileys coffee to keep them eyes open. SO GOOD

victory in german (sorry sanj ily )

Thursday, July 10, 2014

it's good to have boobs

if you're a girl
and it's a wednesday night
i hope you're prepared to get smashed in the best possible way.

- Do your research & ask your contacts what you can get on the house if you come with, for example, 5 girls (the more girls in your group the better)
- See which club/ lounge gives you the best deal and plan your night accordingly

- if you haven't got anywhere to go for pre's, headed to CQ early (10:30-11:30) and then you'll have loads of time to do the rounds and get at least 2 drinks at all the bars (, dream, etc)
- (I cannot stress this one enough) USE DIFFERENT HANDS FOR STAMPS bouncers will get pissed if they overlap.
- if you have loads of guys with you, then i'd suggest going someplace with free flow (ie. fenix room) so that even if the free drinks are only for girls we can hand it over to the boys.
- Make sure you know which girls are looking to hook up and do your best to wingwoman them

An example night. ie LAST NIGHT

pre-pre's at Anika's with Vishay and his british friend 

met Sney and friends at Dom where we got 2 bottles of champagne and a bottle of vodka because as fancy as Dom is they still haven't figured out their aesthetic (club or lounge) and are pretty much desperate for girls or just people in general
dat quality though (i'm going to kill arjun)

met up with Aidan + maccas (Y)

Friday, July 4, 2014


best. ladies night. ever.


so since all my friends left for uni i haven't properly gone out because
1) it's never as fun
2) why does everybody go to zouk?? I really dislike zouk the crowd is just so MEH.
/// rant over i'm sorry zouk lovers it's just not for me

since my one true love, chupitos, was having $1 shots from 1-2am + Kim was in town (YAY), I decided it was time to break my dry streak

The night:

> getting ready & pre's at Snehal's
> cab to CQ 
> get stamped at
> immediately lose snehal in the midst of all the other UWC kids
> dance like an insane person with Kim until 12:58
> rush to chupitos
> meet Vishay & his flavour of the month
> Realise brother and girlfriend are sitting right behind me and we both failed to notice
> brother tries to talk me out of absinthe shot
> do it anyway
> reunite with snehal & friends at
> dance till 5 am
> sneh's house
> bedroom gossip

stereotypical american red solo cups though 

third round; all dem empty glasses

forgot to take one with the flaming sugarcube whoops
also, my absinthe pros and cons list:

+ shots only cost $15-$20 and are guaranteed to fuck you up
+ you get to choose just how fucked you want to get depending on alcohol percentage (I needed just enough to numb my feet so i could dance longer than humanly possible in the heels i was wearing, so we got the green fairy - 70%)
+ no need to spend any more money on alcohol for the rest of the night unless you strive to pass out in a pile of questionable liquid somewhere
+ the flaming sugar cube sure does look cool
+ it tastes kinda minty tbh so fresh breath??
+ it kicks in slowly so as night progresses you start to feel more and more invincible

- it feels like what i imagine french kissing satan feels like
- also satan is a terribly slobbery kisser so his liquid fire saliva just assaults your throat
- that split second eye-widening moment when you realize the burn isn't like normal vodka because it's STILL GOING
- your
- motherfucking
- throat
- in the morning

So it now hurts to talk, but it kept me going for what turned out to be a really flipping good night

S'mores & More (booze)

so, I own this tent. It's massive and magnificent and was the result of a bake sale my best friends and I organised 5/6 years ago. Until 3 months ago i'd forgotten that the tent had been left with me because aforementioned friends had all migrated from singapore :(

this is where baes come in: Padma, Belle & Nat

 its enormity really doesn't translate in pictures but just look at Belle/ Nat compared to the entire thing and you should get a rough idea of how HUGE it really is.
also, wtf Nat.

actual hipster tent

East Coast Park shoreline; those lights are ships in the sea

 our entertainment for the night
(we got well and truly smashed)
(we also finished two huge jars of salsa???)

it actually doesn't look like much because, like the shady's creepers that we are, the vodka was in a plastic coke bottle- a situation that resulted in the world's best incident)

 morning after 
true or false: there are 3 people in this picture but not a single set of eyes

worlds lamest campfire//
it was really really windy outside ok

 can we just..... i mean.....seriously.... just....fuuuuuuck

it was AMAZING. 
10/10 recommend to anybody too cheap to book a hotel/chalet (more money to spend on shenanigans)

Friday, June 27, 2014

Overseas Universities vs Local Universities (NUS,etc)

so lately i've been getting loads of questions from friends/ on about why I decided I want to go overseas for university

before I get into the why, these are some statistics for people who think i'm headed off because it's the 'easier' way out and i just want to 'party'.

1) fuck you.
2) the acceptance rate for the USC Annenberg this year was <7% and it is top ten in the world for my major (nus/smu/ntu/etc are not)
3) i was accepted into nus and got a scholarship to smu (reasons why i rejected to follow)
4) i'll be sure to snapchat you from all the fun parties I go to xoxo

Simply put, i'm sick to death of Singapore.

Don't get me wrong, by no means do I hate it. I've made friends for life, had an incredibly safe and clean environment to grow up in, and the food ugh yes. Given the fact that I had a fake ID when i was 14 and have done loads of not-so-good things since then, i've still had the most 'conservative' life when compared to my friends overseas which is fairly amazing tbh because I have far less things to regret now.

[DISCLAIMER: by NO means am I putting down nus/ntu/smu why would I they're incredibly prestigious schools and getting accepted is a HUGE deal plus all my close friends are headed there and are most definitely going to have an amazing college experience - these are simply reasons why it would not be a good fit for me]

Honesty hour, i've never really felt like I fit in in local school. Most of my best friends go to international schools here and their stories about silly school pranks/ fun festival/ etc are things that i've always envied. Pseudo grass-is-greener reality but yeah (GOD what a first world problem hurdurh my school doesn't have mufti days)

The no.1 reason I rejected the local unis was because I need flexibility in choosing my majors. I'm extremely undecided at this point- Journalism/Econs/Psychology/somanyothers and local unis will make it hell for me if I decide to change subject, let alone faculty. In the US, I plan on doing as many things as i possibly can in my first year before I decide what i'm going to spend my entire life pursuing. [HOW DAUNTING DOES THAT SOUND]

these are quotes from collegeconfidential I happened upon while i was making my decision:

"NUS/SMU, if you would read the other thread in this forum, are to be avoided at all costs. They are the death of the joy of learning, and the student cultures there are rather square, predictable, boring (in general of course). But it remains to be seen if the student culture will be as vibrant as those in US schools. my guess is that it will not. There will be many internationals, but the majority are Singaporeans. And many spontaneity-seeking, adventurous, resourceful, proactive Singaporeans have found one way or another to study abroad."
(clearly I know this is not true, i've got plenty of friends who're having a blast in nus/smu, this is just some random's opinion)
"Most important, in my opinion, is the 4 year college Life in the USA. Nowhere in the world you have such an opportunity to explore, enjoy, and develop your intellectual/artistic/athletic abilities"
"Intellectually uncurious, GPA-crazy Singaporean students. The entire student culture is GPA driven. People take courses they believe they can score highly in. People hole up in libraries to study all day. test material of course. they wont touch anything that wont be tested. As a result, professors' lectures more often than not involve dropping hints for upcoming tests. Students aren't interested in lectures beyond getting such hints. All this is relative to the US."
I love learning, reading, and i can honestly say i used to enjoy studying. All this passion has been sucked out of me by the singaporean education system. This pressure cooker system has taken everything from me. I'm no longer interested in going beyond my textbooks.

I need this change of scenery, pace and people. Am I terrified out of my mind? Of course. Is this the most excited i've ever been in my whole life? Abso-fucking-lutely.