Monday, January 28, 2013

The good

Being an OGL is the shit.
(in the positively- connotative ghetto way)

I can't imagine going through lessons day after day without being able to look forward to skit rehearsals/ legion meetings/ dance practice. That being said, i've never been this mentally and physically exhausted in my LIFE. I never leave school before 8/9 and we stay from 8-7 every Saturday. Still, it's so much fun while we do it that the exhaustion never really hits you until you get home and just wanna pass out. PLUS i'm so happy that I got a really really great legion :') THEIA WOOH! Though I never knew any of them (except Paul) before starting this, i'm so glad I know them now :D

Other than the OGL stuff, drama, as always, is crazy amazing fun :'D Claudia even came back on friday to join in! It was so so great to see her again I really hope she comes back all the time :) + Class is really good too now, the me/si ni/sandra/charan seating arrangement is super fun :D

Natalia's finally back from Milan & Anika's back from Sri Lanka too! YAAAY got my besties back :')
Haven't seen Nat yet though so i've got heaps to catch her up on/rant about on tuesday!

So that's what's good about school right now :3

hopeless/ helpless

I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, but a lot has been going on. Mostly bad, but some good.
I stayed at home today because I just cannot face the idea of school anymore. The nasty glares from people who don't know me and their judgement for things I never did. Mostly i'm just grateful for having a mum who lets me stay home whenever I don't feel up to it. (or maybe she heard me crying in the shower last night, who knows)

I wish everyone thought this way. x

Sunday, January 6, 2013


I can't sleep, so why not.

INDIA, jesus where do I even start.

So at the start of the trip Charan was legit the only person I knew on the trip, and as happy as I was that she came with me it really sucked that the fully neglected to give all the kids any bonding time whatsoever. Seriously, it was so bad that I had a hard time finding the group in the airport because they were out of school uniform >:

So we got to Chennai, India and ngl I was reaaally happy to be back in India after 3 years- Even though it was South India and neither did I know the language, nor the region.

Most memorable thing on day 1: Charan & I in the bus innocently looking out at the scenery and this bus pulls up right next to us, like an inch away from our window and these 2 indian men just looked straight at us and waved with the biggest grins on their faces- and this happens exactly 3 minutes after the tour guide warns us not to look/smile/wave at any men. (we were shocked for like a minute before we just burst out laughing)

The kids

jfc I can't even write about this without tearing slightly
I've never met more joyful, endearing, blissfully content kids than those who lived in the Larrence Charity Trust home. The kids ranged from ages 4-15 and the thing that stil amazes me to this day is the fact that the youngest of these kids never ever cried. Not once did they sulk or throw a tantrum of any sort. They always had a smile on their face. The only kids that may have shed some tears did so only because they fell during the games and injured themselves, and even then, it was for a couple minutes at most.

I know I shouldn't have had favourites, but this girl (right, 1st pic)  oh my god. It took everything I had not to take her home with me. She was 4, and a bag of bones in an entirely ill-fitting dress, but she was the happiest little girl i've ever had the immense joy of playing with :')

UGH There's so much to write I think i'm just going to bullet point this shit
  • So the kids understood verry little english and conversed in only Tamil. Buut, because i looked Indian they couldn't process that I only knew hindi and not tamil- which would explain why they would ramble off in tamil at me and look frustrated at my obvious incomprehension. 
  • The tamil word for older sister is 'akka', they called me damini-ka :')
  • Just before our bus left the house at night the kids would all run up to the roof to say goodbye
  • I've learnt more handgames than i've known my entire life.
I also met this amazing group of people whom i'd never even known existed until this trip. Meet my OSLP games group (our WA is epic)

HQ/ Thomas/ Charan/ Geri/ Cheryl/ Natasha/ Denise/ Rianna

This describes most of our personalities quite accurately


I still think about the kids a lot. Usually just before i fall asleep, i'll ask anyone who's listening to please take care of them